About Us
- Who We Are?
Somali Relief and Development Association (SORDA) was established in late 2011 by group of individuals including elders, intellectuals, Professionals educators, business people, youth and women groups who came together for one purpose to work together for better life for everyone on earth to get equal opportunities, capacity building, support and protect vulnerable migrant’s rights, livelihood and social protection mainstreams, refugee and asylum seekers’ protection and legal assistance, poverty reduction, Gender/women empowerment, culture and education enhancement, human rights and human resource development and basic necessary living conditions in Somali, Particularly Puntland, which is part of the republic of Somalia located in the horn of Africa having it is own autonomy from Somalia since 1998, It is striving for the unity of the Somalis people and the creation of a Somali government based on a federal system. Puntland Government is geographically located in the eastern portion of Somalia.
SORDA is non-profit, nongovernmental organization which is focusing on community development projects by increasing overall literacy through Cash Transfer or Cash Program, Food Security and Livelihood, capacity building, women empowerment, human resource consultant, good governance training community and workshops, adult literacy, and by reducing drop-out rates for both boys and girls form primary schools, better human resources and skilled labour force is able to earn more.
Both education and health initiatives put together will lead to better human resource development which in turn results in better productivity of the labour and in providing more job opportunities in both rural and urban areas, as well as male and female labour force.
Our strategy is to innovate how the AID is used, how it can best help the local communities, solve their acute problems and achieve its intended goals and results for the benefit of the projects’ stakeholders. The aim is representing the donors and International organizations locally, to execute their projects successfully, our local knowledge will enable us to do that.
Our headquarter is located in Garowe, Puntland Government.
Somali Relief and Development Association is registered number877/2021 by the Ministry of Planning, Economic Development and International Cooperation (MOPEDIC).
- Our Mission
SORDA addresses poverty trap and sufferings through appropriate cash based transfers (CBT) interventions such as unconditional cash transfers for emergency relief as well as the cash for work and food voucher programme. Also include the cross-cutting issues like, protection; provide access clean water and awareness rising about capacity building; women empowerment; democracy; peace building; human rights and advocacy for vulnerable, disadvantaged and marginalized people.
- Our Core Values
SORDA is committed to honesty, maintaining clarity in communication and presenting as truthfully as possible the organization’s view of important issues of concern to the stakeholders. The organization will ensure that stakeholders value its views on critical maters.
In ensuring transparency and accountability, SORDA will Endeavour to remove barriers to information and technology sharing with other stakeholders and will consider how others may be affect by its actions and accept responsibility and consequences for wrong doing and take credit only for its own achievements. SORDA will Endeavour to set a good example to others always
SORDA will employ a participatory and inclusive approach during programming and implementation of all interventions. We will welcome and embrace ideas that will help deliver better services in natural resources management.
SORDA will be impartial to societal inclinations, only recognizing those that are truthful and just. It will provide opportunity to all on equal basis without favor of discrimination.
The organization, staff and members will endeavor to build and maintain respect from all persons they may come into contact with by ensuring that promises are kept, commitments are followed up and that all stakeholders interest are actively acknowledged. We plan to enrich our creativity and talent by learning from others and commit to use all resources put at our disposal wisely.
SORDA is committed to providing appropriate solutions and creating awareness among all stakeholders on issues related to natural resource management and conservation. SORDA will be proactive at all times to ensure that we start enquiry and looking for solutions before problems materialize and remain focused to our core business of ensuring a holistic management of the environment where natural resources are utilized appropriately, managed and conserved
In its programming and intervention implementation SORDA will remain gender focused within the context of Somalia ensuring that youth (boys and girls), the disabled, men and women have equal access and benefit from its interventions without discrimination or favor. Within this context SORDA will where absolutely necessary practice affirmative action to ensure that those disadvantaged in society can be independently targeted for support.