Sorda Somalia

Somali Relief and

Development Association (SORDA)

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+252 90 5226993

Project Overview

Insecurity and continuation of conflict in Somalia remains a major challenge in the efforts to rebuild the fledgling nation. Sporadic incidence of inter-tribal conflict, as well as the potential risk of Militia changing face to take on a tribal identity, increases clashes in the various states. Somalia is not immune to insurgence from outside the country and continued tensions in the Border States continues to impact on resettlement initiatives.

The incidence of conflict causes persistent movement and displacement of peoples to areas of perceived safety.
In SORDA we participate in peace building and civic education through several activities within the larger scope of Peace Building. These include participation in formation of traditional conflict resolution mechanisms such as introduction of Traditional Peace Committees and the training of the same. We promote a rights-based approach to good citizenship and governance.

This portfolio seeks to remedy exclusion of youths, women and communities from public participation processes because it is a denial of basic human rights and contributes to marginalization and disempowerment. The result is the diminishing livelihood expansion opportunities that entrenches poverty.

Therefore, we draw tailored public participation mechanisms that ensure inclusive public participation processes and policy decisions solely based on evidence to capture the aspirations of the people in line with their communal livelihood needs. We build communal capacities and those of non-sate actors to hold public officials and agencies accountable for the delivery of services.

For people in Somalia to create and sustain their livelihoods in an enabling environment that supports livestock trade, SMEs and other forms of business, security is paramount. However, This Country to experience unabated insecurity from acts of terrorism, resource conflicts and retaliation attacks. Therefore, to promote peaceful coexistence, we work with communities, grassroots organizations and other non-state actors as well as National and County Government agencies to seek sustainable solutions to this menace.

Building mutually beneficial trust between the locals and security agencies and establishing cross-border relations among communities as well as advocating for interventions that mainstream youth and women in security issues are important undertaking in our support for security pillar. To de-escalate the effects of violent extremism, we build resilient communities that withstand conflict shocks by up-scaling de-re-radicalization programs and providing alternative livelihood systems such as creative economies.

But supreme is identifying and addressing the root causes of all forms of conflicts and violence and setting intervention mechanism while promoting the urge for conflict resolutions through dialogue and consensus.