Programs Sustainable Livelihoods And Food Security Food security is one of the greatest challenges facing Somalia, as the fragile peace situation exacerbates the loss of productive assets. Women And Child Protection Gender-based violence is a gross human rights violation, but it continues to be one of the most downplayed, overlooked and tolerated violations of human rights in existence. Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene SORDA believe that access to WASH, in specific safe water, adequate sanitation, and proper hygiene education, can reduce illness and death, and also impact poverty reduction and socio-economic development. Health and Nutrition Proper nutrition is a powerful good; people who are well-nourished are more likely to be healthy, productive, and able to learn. Shelter and NFI Ensuring sufficient, coordinated, and adequate delivery of emergency shelter solutions and shelter repair assistance to respond to the immediate shelter needs of the affected people Education and Youth Somalia has an adult literacy level of less than 25%. At the primary school level, 84% of the teachers have primary school as their highest level of education while 16% have some exposure to secondary education or a higher degree. Environmental Protection, Climate Change, and DRR The idea of climate change resilience requires greater attention to human livelihoods if it is to address the limits to adaptation strategies and the development needs of the poorest and most vulnerable people. Peace Building and Democracy Insecurity and continuation of conflict in Somalia remain a major challenge in the efforts to rebuild the fledgling nation.